Handbags are near iconic status – there exists a handbag for every single occassion, and our ultimate (handbag) goal is always to own a designer make. We cannot manage with out them – where would we keep our basic essentials? – Make up, tissues, diary, purse, keys, mirror, mints, mobile, pen – the list is endless. And the bigger the bag the greater essentials we seem to need. I love my dark green Francesca Biasa bag – it holds much, but unfortunately I can never find the items I want – it’s like a bottomless pit. I suppose I need to put in a torch to my list. On the other end with the scale, my cute gem encrusted oval evening bag ( a bargain from the recent vacation to India) holds practically nothing – it just sparkles and makes me feel great. I love it a lot, I won’t allow it to leave my side while dancing it’s not at all left at the table or danced around about the party area ( a type of handbag worship if there is one), it really is dangly daintily off my wrist whilst catching and pulling the threads in my silk … Read the rest
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